
Sunday, January 30, 2011

All you want to know about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia! most of us might have came across this term or individuals suffering from schizophrenia which is a mental disorder that causes disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness. It is also accompanied by social or occupational dysfunction.

The global lifetime prevalence is about 0.3-0.7%; with an epidemiology of 24 million people suffering worldwide with 2 million in U.S. alone. It occurs 1.4 times more frequently in males than females.

The factors contributing to the occurrence are genetics, environmental, neurobiological, psycological and social processes. However no single organic cause is founded for neurobiology. The diagnosis is done on patients behavior and reported experience.

Antipsychotic drugs are used for the treatment which are known to cause decrease in the dopamine activity in the brain. However some drugs can worsen the effects in the individuals suffering.

The average life expectancy is 12-15 years less than the normal individuals and the suicide rate is higher in persons suffering from schizophrenia with about 5% and that too higher in males. The additional conditions which can help in diagnosis are- major depression, anxiety disorder, occurrence of substance abuse and social problem or withdrawl.
Additional resources to be added soon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I wish if my school does the same

As students returned to class this week carrying brand new ipads given by their school as an experiment to analyse the effects on better grades. The school of Long Island is experimenting by distributing 20 ipads to students and 20 to teachers. However the each pad costs $750.

According to me technology can serve as the best medium to introduce a growth in any field be it education. These days there are millions of applications and out of them most are educational or serve the same in many ways.

I wish if I've had my android or ipad during my school or college days I've really scored well in maths and physics. Lot of applications makes teaching fun and even can make sharing information better. The rules of calculus that i know today I've not know during my school days, and even the textbook was not the best thing to learn from. But now the animations and maths applications do it better.

I wish that someday my teacher will enter my class and just pass the text via LAN connection to all the students, we'll write tests on our ipads and results be evaluated on the spot. Many experts believe though it may look very promising but still there's a need to research on their use as a part of school.

But i believe that the day is not too far away when we will go to our school or college without carrying our bag but with just a small ipad carrier.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Obsessive and compulsive disorder.

Though most of us may not be familiar with the word- Obsessive and compulsive disorder but it is the most common of the mental illness to be observed in the society. Even the people who are affected by it does not know about their disorder.

Ocd is an anxiety disorder which is marked by intrusive thoughts in the mind. The thoughts can even shape into actions. The most commonly seen Ocd is repeatedly handwashing or counting objects.

The major effects are that the person can be alienated, and can even lead to emotional and financial distress. However it can also cause outbreak of distress among others who accompany that person or disputes in the family.

In this growing age its the 4th most common mental disorder with 1 in every 50 among the USA population affected by it. Though there are no direct cure is available to the disorder but it can be controlled by following medication's and undergoing psychiatrist sessions.

Maybe even most of you have faced someone with the disorder or might be affected by it. I'll suggest the most important way to treat the disorder Is by the persons own will. I agree most of us are obsessed with many things these days but the thing count is how you take on to it.

What is important is your view to the problem. So relax on your couch and visualize about your actions and how it affects others. If anybody of you have faced any such things or have some views on the subject you can share you experience and we can even share your story on our blog.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Excessive internet usage.

Excessive Internet use may be
linked to depression

Excessive Internet use may be linked
to depression. Spend a day offline
and connect with friends and family.
But they' re all online !

Your Internet use could be telling you
something about your mental health .
If you keep up with friends via
Facebook or spend more time
chatting online with strangers than
with family , it might be time to
disconnect the computer for awhile —
and check in with yourself .

The researchers analyzed internet use
and depression levels of 1 ,319 Britons
aged between 16 and 51. An online
questionnaire was used to measure
participants' Internet use , the
functions for which they used the
Internet, and their depressive
tendencies . Of these , 1 .2 percent were
"internet addicted. "
"Excessive internet use is associated
with depression, but what we don' t
know is which comes first -- are
depressed people drawn to the
internet or does the internet cause

Using the Web to replace your usual
social circle could be a red flag .
Instead of spending hours on
message boards , pick up the phone
and call someone.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How do i got started.

Hi most of you may be wondering that about the need for a blog. But i was inspired by a doctor who's said it's the best thing to have since it makes your mind occupied. And I'll be sharing all new updates on my own and based on my research since we don't believe in copy pasting the precreated contents. Hope I'll be receiving a positive response from you'll and yes please do inform us regarding what you feel we should be working on.
Hope this 2011 will ensue as an successful year for all of us.......
With great regards. Prabjot Singh.

hii welcome to our blog.

Hello folks most of you will like our step. Feel free to tell what you feel about our new blog.