
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soren Kierkegaard's extract from his journal.

The Danish philosopher Soren kierkegaard wrote this in his journal regarding his motif for breaking his relationship with his only true love - Regine Oslen, even she was committed completely to him, but the ideal of a philosopher inside his made him judge everything thus departing him from his true life...

The writing in the Journal as follows-

. .. and this terrible restlessness —as if
wanting to convince myself every
moment that it would still be possible
to return to her —O God, would that I
dared to do it. It is so hard; my last
hope in life I had placed in her, and I
must deprive myself of it . How
strange, I had never really thought of
getting married, but I never believed
that it would turn out this way and
leave so deep a wound . I have always
ridiculed those who talked about the
power of women, and I still do, but a
young, beautiful , soulful girl who
loves with all her mind and all her
heart , who is completely devoted ,
who pleads—how often I have been
close to setting her love on fire , not to
a sinful love, but I need merely have
said to her that I loved her , and
everything would have been set in
motion to end my young life. But then
it occurred to me that this would not
be good for her , that I might bring a
storm upon her head , since she
would feel responsible for my death. I
prefer what I did do ; my relationship
to her was always kept so ambiguous
that I had it in my power to give it any
interpretation I wanted to. I gave it the
interpretation that I was a deceiver .
Humanly speaking , that is the only
way to save her , to give her soul
resilience. My sin is that I did not have
faith, faith that for God all things are
possible, but where is the borderline
between that and tempting God; but
my sin has never been that I did not
love her . If she had not been so
devoted to me , so trusting, had not
stopped living for herself in order to
live for me —well, then the whole
thing would have been a trifle; it does
not bother me to make a fool of the
whole world , but to deceive a young
girl .—O , if I dared return to her , and
even if she did not believe that I was
false, she certainly believed that once I
was free I would never come back. Be
still , my soul , I will act firmly and
decisively according to what I think is
right. I will also watch what I write in
my letters. I know my moods . But in a
letter I cannot, as when I am
speaking , instantly dispel an
impression when I detect that it is too
strong. "[ 39]........

We all can derive at our own conclusions after reading this but the true reason will be still afar from our approach to understand the melancholy of such a great person......

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So the brain in love works better.

I love what Einstein said about this :
" How on earth are you ever going to
explain in terms of chemistry and
physics so important a biological
phenomenon as first love?"
Well , there are a number of studies in
which subjects in love were asked to
lie inside a fMRI machine and gaze at
a picture of their beloved. In brief ,
here 's what researchers found from
the brain scans: the ventral tegmental
area ( VTA) is activated ; this produces
the "feel -good " hormone dopamine,
which targets the reward areas of the
caudate nucleus and nucleus
accumbens . It 's a high , and it' s
addictive . Bonding is aided and
abetted by such hormones as
oxytocin and vasopressin. The
obsessive fixation many of us get
when we first fall in love -- can 't stop
thinking about him or her -- is due to
low serotonin levels .
Meanwhile , the prefrontal cortex, the
part of the brain responsible for
reasoning , and the amygdala, related
to fear, are deactivated -- which
explains why a lot of us become
reckless fools in love. If a woman in
love remembers more details than
men do , it 's because there 's more
activity in the female hippocampus,
the region associated with memory .
And it seems true that when it comes
to love men are more visual than
women are -- guys show more activity
in their visual cortex.
When two people fall in love , they
form a neural pattern of associations
and rewards that are strengthened
over time and with use . Researchers
call this a "love -related " network, and
there ' s some evidence that people in
close relationships , when reminded of
their love, perform better on mental
tasks .


Really i can say that these days im so much obsessed with psychology. And what makes me is the nature of the topic itself. First of all its quite easy to understand if you can study behavior pattern of a population and try to contemplate it.

However in order to completely speak about the topic one has to either study the subject well or be an Psycologist itself which is also accomplished by studying the same.

Im not an professional in regard to psychology but i can only say im being fascinated by the advent of the topic. It started with my own problem when i was depressed, my depression lead to me understanding the cause behind it.

Im an biology student hence can understand how dopamine levels in the brain can affect the brain and its activity. And now continue to explore this field by studying various behavior pattern and helping individuals who wish to seek help.
I Will all more later......
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If we could travel faster than light.

Today i came across an interesting question which states what if we could travel faster than light. Nah it's one not an trick question, requiring smart answers but an plain question still require smartNess to answer...

Well i pondered for a while and thought it's not as easy to answer but my immediate response was that if i was given the opportunity I'd surely opted to travel. First lets speak what could refrain me not choosing and that would be first the emotional intimacy with the world and my loved ones, and I'd be missing all my pleasures. But, can i miss the chance to discover what the mankind has ever strife to imagine....the very limited power of our brain has veiled the secrets of the universe,and i could unleash it.

So i will surely choose to travel in the pit of universe all alone with just my curiosity to peep beyond our galaxy...provided if i could live longer without need continuous supply for any organic material to fuel my body..i could travel beyond millions of galaxies...

What if, i could not stop then id be just traveling for gazillions of years all alone and that could really burst my mind and i may lose of sanity of understanding things i guess just being able to travel with speed of light is not gonna help but we need to have a halt in between and id never heard light ever taking a halt.

So can i say that it's an obstruction, yes it's but if physics could be defied then I surely travel...And i could even also use my speed to time revolving around an object of higher gravitational field...
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