
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ecological worries in vegetarianism.

So the next question that arises against vegetarianism is that of ecological imbalance- Non Vegans claim that if all the population turns vegetarian then it'll lead to destruction of environment and extinction of reared animal species. Mine only answer to them is that have you ever heard of Environmental vegetarianism. It is the practise of vegetarianism based on the indications that animal production leads to intensive agriculture which is unsustainable.

Let me explain you how is animal cultivation is leading to a serious environmental imbalance. The major industries associated with meat production are of feed crops producing corn and soy which are more damaging to ecosystem than organic farming, permaculture, arable, pastoral or rain fed agriculture.

In 2006 by the initiative of U.N. a survey done for contributors of environment degradation; livestock industries were found to have a major impact. Since these industries leads to - deforestation, air and water pollution, land degradation, loss of topsoil, climate change resources overuse,loss of biodiversity, etc....

In 2006 FAO estimated that meat industries release 18% greenhouse gases; which was revised in 2009 to be minimum 51%.
The ratio of the resources invested inorder to produce livestock products is more shocking as its - 4:1 for milk and egg and 54:1 for protein production. Hence it clearly proves that these methods are less efficient than direct harvesting.

The famous words of Dennis Avery - Director of Centre of Global food production are "The world must create 5 billion Vegans in next several decades or Triple it's total farm output without using more land" it's not an exaggeration but implying our present conditions.

The WHO states that every year due to malnutrition 10.4 million children's die every year. The Cornell scientists advised U.S. could feed 800 million people on the grain that livestock eats. Inorder to produce 1 pound of beef 2,400 gallons of water and 7 pounds of Grain is required.
Hence from the above content its quite clear that even modest reduction in meat consumption could substantially reduce burden on our Natural resources and enable us to live sustainably.
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