
Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Psychology of killing!!

Rather this post is about the trauma of killing. Killing someone or watching someone die in front of you is complete life changing. We talking about killing is like Virgins talking about sex! The most traumatic emotions are when to see someone pass away even if its an animal.
We easily save ourselves and our kids from this trauma and never want to experience it but I've seen even even most brave individuals completely reformed visiting the killing floor. The primary question here and we all need this to ask ourselves that do we need to distance ourselves from ask the killings that happens for us? Well i'm going to say "No" since i can't distance myself from a reality caused by me.
In an experiment certain strong individuals were placed in prehistoric environment with basic tools and asked to survive on their own. They fared well and killed certain small animals with no remorse. But that wasn't enough for survival so they tried their chance on a bigger animal. The participants can never forget their arrows piercing that Swamp deer. The complete trauma of separating the animal from the herd, hitting with a dart, then finally putting him down upon collapsing by spear was unbearable for all of them and most of them cried.

In such cases i find myself correct when i assert that we are not ought to kill here as we are not natural killers. Man has always hidden this fact for himself by developing easy killing methods and faster methods. But he has never justified that killing. The destruction of all the emotions of a being for your interests can never be justified.
The only thing that i can never decipher is that how can we ever manage to ignore the basic and important facts and processes of your life. ask your small child where this nuggets came from and he'll answer 'supermarket'.
I think Time has come when we at least answer ourselves!!1

Monday, November 14, 2011


Biofuels are produced from living organisms or from metabolic by-products(organic or food waste products). In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials. It is originally derived from the photosynthesis process and can therefore often be referred to as a solar energy source. Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. 'First-generation' or conventional biofuels are biofuels made from sugar, starch, and vegetable oil. Second generation biofuels are biofuels produced from sustainable feedstock.
Biodiesel was probably the first of the alternative fuels to really become known to the public. The great advantage of biodiesel is that it can be used in existing vehicles with little or no adaptation necessary. Cars running on BioEthanol, which is produced from agricultural crops, sugar cane or bio-mass, are governed by the same law of physics as those using gasoline. That means both emit CO2, as an inevitable consequence of the combustion process. But there is a crucial difference: burning ethanol, in effect, recycles the CO2 because it has already been removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis during the natural growth process.
Along with the traditional methods we have new advancements in the renewable energy production. One of such examples include Engineers Tapping Algae Cells for Electricity :With the help of photosynthesis plants convert light energy to chemical energy. This chemical energy is stored in the bonds of sugars they use for food. Photosynthesis happens inside a chloroplast. Chloroplasts are considered as the cellular powerhouses that make sugars and impart leaves and algae a green hue. During photosynthesis water is split into oxygen, protons and electrons. When sunrays fall on the leaves and reach the chloroplast, electrons get excited and attain higher energy level. These excited electrons are caught by proteins. The electrons are passed through a series of proteins. These proteins utilize more of the
electrons’ energy to synthesize sugars until the entire electron’s energy is exhausted. Now researchers intercepted the electrons just after they had been excited by light and were at their highest energy levels. They put the gold electrodesinside the chloroplasts of algae cells, and tapped the electrons to create a tiny electrical current. It may be the beginning of the production of “high efficiency” bioelectricity. This will be a clean and green source of energy but minus carbon dioxide. The cell remains alive throughout the whole process. When cells start the photosynthesis, the electrodes attract electrons and produce tiny electric current.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The tryptophan operon of E.coli.

Unlike lack operon tryptophan operon is an anabolic operon, which means that the structural genes are only transcribed when the amino acid tryptophan is absent from the source i.e. When the amino acid is available the structural genes are not synthesized. The enzymes are not required and hence the operon is shut off. The operon model was elucidated by Charles Yonofsky and his colleagues. The operon model consists of the following genes.
1) Structural genes - The structural genes are coded from A to the letter E and encoded for the enzymes required for tryptophan biosynthesis and the gene spans 6800basepairs.
TrpA - tryptophan synthase α
TrpB - tryptophan synthase β
TrpC - PRA Isomerase and InGP synthase
TrpD - Anthranilate synthase 2
TrpE - Anthranilate synthase 1.

2)The promoter and the operator region of 150 bp upstream to the structural gene TrpE.

3) Leader region of 162basepairs, situated between the operator and TrpE. And within the leader region the attenuator site is present. The leader region and its role is briefly explained below under regulation of operon by attenuation.

4) The Regulatory gene - TrpR upstream to the promoter. The promoter is 150bp in length

The Regulation of the Tryptophan operon.
1) Regulation by "Repression" - The Tryptophan operon is under the negative control just like the lac operon, but it is repressible whereas lac operon is inducible operon. By repressible i mean that the effector molecule can repress the operon. The operon is regulated by Repression by the transcription of the TrpR region i.e the Repressor gene which encodes for the "Aporepressor protein." However the Aporepressor protein is not an active Repressor itself, hence it binds with tryptophan to produce an active Repressor. This active Repressor binds to the operator thereby preventing the transcription of the structural genes by blocking the path for Rna polymerase. This phenomenon is known as "Repression" and it reduces Tryptophan biosynthesis by 70 fold hence reducing the cellular try levels.
In the absence of tryptophan the operon is turned on because no active repressor can be formed hence the operator is free for Rna polymerase to bind and carry on transcription of the structural genes.

Regulation of Tryptophan operon by "Attenuation" - To understand the attenuation mechanism we must first understand the details of the Leader region which consists of 4 regions - 1,2,3,4. And among these 1,2 2,3 and 3,4 are complementary. The region 1 consist the tryptophan coding sequence i.e. UGG UGG from 54-59 and region 4 consist of the stop coding sequence i.e. UGA from 69-71. The base pairing at 1 and 2 region causes pause signal, The base pairing at 3 and 4 region causes termination signal and the base pairing at 2 and 3 region causes the anti termination signal.
Mechanism - The model here is based on the fact that Transcription and Translation in prokaryotes is carried out as coupled process due to the lack of a membrane bound nucleus. Hence here the Ribosome position plays an important role in regulation which is ultimately decided by the Leader region. It can be explained as follows.
A) In the absence of Tryptophan - In the absence of Tryptophan the trpt.Rna.trp levels drops hence the Ribosome translating the mRna stalls at the Trp codons (54-49). Therefore the leader peptide is not completed. The Ribosome blocks the region 1, hence the region 2 and 3 base pairing occurs. Which is an anti termination signal therefore the Polymerase continues translating past the attenuator region and the structural genes. Therefore the Trp operon is turned on in the absence of Tryptophan.
B) In the presence of Tryptophan - In the presence of Tryptophan, sufficient trptRnatrp's are present, hence the Ribosome translate the mrna and finally stalls at the stop region on the Leader peptide. The stop codon is region 2 and (69-71) region. The covering of region 2 by Ribosome facilitates region 3 and 4 base pairing which encodes for the termination signal. Hence the Rna polymerase stalls there and the structural genes are not transcribed. The Trp operon is shut of In the presence of Tryptophan.

3) Regulation of Tryptophan operon by Feed back inhibition - If the amino acid Tryptophan accumulates at a faster rate than utilized then the feed back inhibition is triggered. The end product of the biosynthetic pathway recognize the 1st enzyme of the pathway and inacivates it by altering its confirmation hence the pathway is shut off. Once the conc falls the product is dissociated and the enabling pathway resumes.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A question to answer!

You're at the supermarket, you go to the meat section (or the crying aisle, as I think of it) but there are no burgers, sausages, drumsticks etc....there's only a holding pen, and in this pen is a cow, a calf, a pig, a chicken, a lamb and a turkey.Picture them all there looking at you...confused and terrified, backing away. They don't know why they're there or what's going on. One by one you have to catch them and hold them down, they're trying to get away, they're screaming, but if you want meat you have to kill them. Could you do that? Cut their throats, watch them bleed out and slice them up?

On to the milk section (another crying aisle). No milk on the shelf, but there's a cow with a calf suckling. If you want milk, the calf has got to go. Could you pull the calf off of the mother, drag the calf away...never to see the mother again?...then milk the cow while she's crying and bellowing
and grieving for her calf?

On to the eggs...can you walk by the bedraggled, sick, miserable hens that are crammed into cages so small they can't even stretch their wings?... can you help yourself to their eggs without any concern for the misery they have to endure? And can you macerate small chicks just because they cannot lay eggs?

Imagine if what ends up at the supermarket also has to start at the supermarket...would you still go there?...would you take your children?...would you take part if you were face to face with your food?
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Light bulb jokes

Today i thought to create some sexist and funny light bulb jokes and here they're. I've tried to be neutral by posting both types of sexist jokes, so nothing against men or women in person. Your ideas are welcome to improve these.

Q: How many egotists does it take to change a light bulb ?
A: One, He holds onto the light bulb, and waits for the world to revolve around him.

Q: How many women does it take to change a light bulb ?
A: None. "It's a man's job."
A: Three: one to take out the old one, one to sweep up the broken glass and another to phone her boyfriend to put the new one in.

Q: How many sexists does it take to change a light bulb ?
A: None. Let the bitch cook in the dark.

Q: How many men does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they're too lazy and prefer to sit in the dark.

Q: How many men does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they prefer to move out of the house.

Q: How many men does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, the tv provides enough light to change the channel.

Q: How many men does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they're smart enough to switch on the lamp.

Q: How many men and women does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One women to put it in his mans todo list and one man to change it five months later.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Essence and existence part 2.

It has been a fundamental and traditional metaphysical view that essence precedes existence which means we have a higher order and predetermined purpose and we're here to fulfil that purpose. The concept of essence is also seen in Plato's work, in which he claims that truth is eternal, unchangeable and absolute and knowing that truth is the central goal of human philosophy. According to Plato we've an eternal existing nature and it's our duty to discover it through philosophical contemplation, and through reasoning. The human beings have a common eternal existing "essentialist" nature defined by reason.

Also Aristotle states that we humans are rational animals. The reason is the true self of every person and in the highest sense reason is a mans self. Aristotle has accounted in his (Metaphysic 1) "Essence corresponds to the ousia's definition; essence is a real and physical aspect of the ousia."
Most of the philosophers like Descartes, Leibniz, Kant and Hegel were of essential tradition.

After saying this consider an example of a seed - it has the whole tree existing in it, which means that it encloses the essence. The growth of the tree is already present and it's the essence only that's unfolding. That is the seed unfolds the essence and becomes existential. Hence it can be said that essence is the cause of existence. At the present age even scientific proof can be obtained by Kirlian photography which is developed in soviet Russia and photographs the aura and essence of the material object as shown in the image. Hence before the actual existence, the energy and essence can be confirmed to be present near the object.

In regard to Jean Paul Sarte claims, i believe that he has made statements on observation of a mature and adult human society, where he fails to account for innate conditions, infant tantrums, etc which claims for possessed special human nature. Also consider the example of a schizophrenic where the condition is in his/her nature and they can't help it. In regard to God his existence is not afflicted with laying norms of humans nature.
And in regard to existence of ashtray it took a conscious decision to make one on need. If the conscious decision came into being purely by coincidence why can't the whole existence turn up by coincidence? And if there is no conscious decision over our existence then we're not needed!
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Essence and existence.

What is existence - Existence is a fact of being present - "that it is"
What is essence - Essence is the description of existence - "what it is."

There has been a perennial debate over centuries over mans existence and whether it comes with a predetermined essence or not. Inorder to present both the existential and metaphysical points I'll cover it in 2 parts. Part 1 covering the existential and the latter metaphysical.
Part 1
The basic proposition of existentialism "Existence precedes essence" over traditional philosophical and metaphysical view that essence is fundamental/immutable/eternal than it's existence. To existentialists, the human being— through his consciousness creates his own values and determines a meaning for his life because, in the beginning, the human being does not possess any inherent identity or value. By posing the acts that constitute him, he makes his existence more significant
It is well claimed by Jean Paul Sarte in "Existentialism is humanism" that existence precedes essence, which gets a support from his closest Simone de beauvoir who states that "one is not born women, but becomes one."

Sarte and many existentialist's rules out and disbeliefs that any cosmic order determines human nature. However the concept can be questioned over the example of any object let's take an ashtray. It was created to specify certain purpose and it has a predetermined nature and properties for which it was created. Which can be simply stated as it's essence precedes it's existence. But Sarte claimed for such purpose that it's concept applies to humanity but not universally. The same cannot be stated for human beings since to accept an essence is to confine ourselves over a common meaning and a purpose. Over essence we become a mere object who are only to fulfil a higher ordained purpose which isn't conveyed to us.

Despite of this some atheists assume that we're possessed by special human nature which fulfils our role among fellow humans. Against which Sarte argues that no human nature is common to everyone, we define our nature which abides and commensales with the society. However this radical freedom, should be accompanied by radical responsibility.

The precedence of existence, which devoid the essence for our creation put a question mark over the presence of God and it's essence of creation of humanity, which is discussed in the next part.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Philosophers on death.

Death has always been a mystery and an exciting topic for philosophers. Here are the excerpts of some of the philosophers and their take on death.

[Death], “Is this something that the separation of soul from the body? It died when the body is separate from the soul remains alone, apart, with himself, and when the soul, separated from the body, left alone, apart, with itself “…

Marcus Aurelius.
He who has seen present things has seen all, both everything which has taken place from all eternity and everything which will be for time without end; for all things are of one kin and of one form.

Death may be the greatest of all
human blessings. To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?

“Death, if we want to name and this unreality, is the most dangerous thing. This is not the life that recoils in horror at the death and preserves pure destruction, but life is death, and remains even in death, which is the life of the mind. ”

Arthur Schopenhaur
“Death is the moment of liberation from a narrow and uniform individuality, which, far from the inner substance of our being, is rather as a kind of aberration. ”After your death you will be what you
were before your birth.

“This means that one end by the
death does not mean, for human
reality, being-in-my-purpose be-
finished, it means the end for a being who is the being that exists. Death is a way of being human reality that assumes, as it is: When a human comes to life, it is already old enough to die. ”

The darkness of death is like the
evening twilight; it makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying. [Death] “Not only the project that destroyed all projects and that destroyed itself. It is the triumph of the perspective of others on the point of view I am myself. ”

To conclude, here we've presented random views on the next topic I'll like to merge and give an overview of overall makeup on the topic. And I'll also like to discuss some moot points on death and after death.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fast fading faith.

In the jist of todays world the thing that is seemed to fade faster than anything is faith. Yes we all have lost our faith in everything our living, humanity, the world and the most important God. What can be the cause of such an important phenomenon that goes unseen in our daily lives is important for us to understand. The primary major cause is the inadvertent and ignorant lifestyle. We seemed to be very much interested in the world around us than what's happening within us.
The absurdity of life starts from the point of life when men becomes unknown of his internal life.

The lack of knowledge and apart from this most importantly the correct pious knowledge is aloof in our lives. We've forgotten the basic principles and basic school of philosophy in our lives and are just going abruptly where everyone's heading to. So the major thing here is to just give a halt to your life and concentrate on the footsteps where you're leading. We may foresee ourselves in this materialistic world but what about the world without the Maya. And yes it does exist as you were born without those vices that only come such a world.

The approach that everyone adopts to understand oneself is again inappropriate. What i believe is that no man or principle in the world can teach you to discover yourself the quest should began from within. The urge should come from your soul to understand one better. You should strife to maintain an inertia with the universe. The thing that aids in such a quest is the pious teachings of a Guru. Though it's an individual choice but the Guru should not be a mortal being but the basic affirm believes that can be applied to everyone and in every aspect. So the only strong contender can be a religious or any relevant script that you may perceive. The mystical teachings can be revealed by anyone any sentient being but what matters is how that teaching is conceived and perceived by you. The better understanding can only come when it's taught by your soul rather than any practical teaching enforced on it. A book especially the correct one can do a major difference in your lives. I have conceived the same ideas but from my religions holy book- Yes i am always astonished and obliged that i am having a scripture as my Guru and it has helped me to develop and follow the principles that I've learned from the same. And to correct you, you have the freedom of choice so you're not bounded to a single belief. Any scripture can lead your life and explain to you the correct meaning of your living though it's the only one you that are creating with it.

Anyone who says that they have only one life to live, i assume they've not read a book. And in the end let me leave you with this quote.
A book is the only place in which you
can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy. - Edward P. Morgan.
And let me also assert you that the major principles can only be conceived by a book written by a pious soul in ecstasy...

So start the discovery and unleash the locked doors of your spirit and taste the gleam of the pious inner world...
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ecological worries in vegetarianism.

So the next question that arises against vegetarianism is that of ecological imbalance- Non Vegans claim that if all the population turns vegetarian then it'll lead to destruction of environment and extinction of reared animal species. Mine only answer to them is that have you ever heard of Environmental vegetarianism. It is the practise of vegetarianism based on the indications that animal production leads to intensive agriculture which is unsustainable.

Let me explain you how is animal cultivation is leading to a serious environmental imbalance. The major industries associated with meat production are of feed crops producing corn and soy which are more damaging to ecosystem than organic farming, permaculture, arable, pastoral or rain fed agriculture.

In 2006 by the initiative of U.N. a survey done for contributors of environment degradation; livestock industries were found to have a major impact. Since these industries leads to - deforestation, air and water pollution, land degradation, loss of topsoil, climate change resources overuse,loss of biodiversity, etc....

In 2006 FAO estimated that meat industries release 18% greenhouse gases; which was revised in 2009 to be minimum 51%.
The ratio of the resources invested inorder to produce livestock products is more shocking as its - 4:1 for milk and egg and 54:1 for protein production. Hence it clearly proves that these methods are less efficient than direct harvesting.

The famous words of Dennis Avery - Director of Centre of Global food production are "The world must create 5 billion Vegans in next several decades or Triple it's total farm output without using more land" it's not an exaggeration but implying our present conditions.

The WHO states that every year due to malnutrition 10.4 million children's die every year. The Cornell scientists advised U.S. could feed 800 million people on the grain that livestock eats. Inorder to produce 1 pound of beef 2,400 gallons of water and 7 pounds of Grain is required.
Hence from the above content its quite clear that even modest reduction in meat consumption could substantially reduce burden on our Natural resources and enable us to live sustainably.
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanna turn veggie think about it.

While religious and ethical beliefs, as well as economic factors have a lot to do with the profusion of vegetarians in countries like India and Thailand,more and more people, particularly in developed countries, have given up and continue to give up meat and other animal products for health reasons. This has to do with scientific reports around the world showing that a vegetarian diet can considerably reduce the high cholesterol associated with heart disease.Likewise, research done over the past twenty years strongly suggests that there is a link between eating meat and cancer of the colon, rectum,prostate, breast and uterus, which is very rare amongst cultures who eat little or no meat.One reason given by biologists and nutritionists for such serious imbalances is that the human intestinal tract is not suited for digesting meat. Animals that eat flesh have short intestines to pass rapidly the decaying and toxin-producing meat out of their body. Plant-eaters have intestines at least six times the length of their body, because plant foods decay more slowly than meat.The human body has the long intestinal tract of a herbivore, so the toxins produced during digestion(and by any undigested meat) can overload the system, especially the kidneys, and lead to gout, arthritis,rheumatism, and other diseases,including cancer. Plus, the meat industry adds nitrites and other preservatives to keep the decaying meat a bright red color, and even before being slaughtered livestock are fed enormous amounts of chemicals such as tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics, and many others(Gary and Steven Null mention 2,700 drugs given to livestock in their book Poisons in Your Body). Although these drugs will still be present in the meat when you eat it, the law does not require that they be listed on the package.We humans need protein. Yes, it is a fact that protein constitutes the building blocks of our tissues. But animal flesh is not the only source of protein available to us. Dairy products, grains, beans, and nuts are all concentrated sources of protein.Cheese, peanuts, and lentils, for instance, contain more protein per ounce than hamburger, pork, or steak. Animal protein requires much energy to digest and transforms into energy quickly, making it readily available for< you although it also gets quickly consumed. Vegetable protein does not use as much energy to digest and transforms into longer lasting energy.In excess, animal protein will more likely reduce your body's overall energy because of the energy it takes to digest. Studies show that
vegetarians are able to perform any physical activity 2 to 3 times longer than non-vegetarians, and that they recover from fatigue 2 to 3 times faster as well. Fish may be considered somewhat “cleaner” than read meat or poultry, but nowadays you need to be careful, as many types of fish have unhealthy amounts of mercury, as well as other contaminants like PCBs, chlordane, dioxins, and DDT. The American Dietetic Association notes that most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian or quasi-vegetarian diets. And the modern 20th-century consumer society significantly changed people's diet in industrialized countries. Furthermore, the slaughter of animals and meat consumption has become excessive, leading to serious imbalances and disease. Yet, this seems to be slowly changing, as more and more people are becoming concerned about their health and more conscientious about what they put into their bodies. We are finally making the connection between diet and health that Ayurveda has stated for thousands of years, and taking more responsibility for our own well being instead of just blindly following the mainstream behavior. Spiritual Reasons to Become a Vegetarian In most Eastern cultures, vegetarianism is also imbued with the ethical principles of spiritual traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism, which follow ahimsa (non-violence) and metta (universal love). Love and non- violence refer not just to humans, but to all living beings, because we cannot find peace within ourselves if we are not willing to respect nature and be at peace with the world around us. The slaughter of animals is violence and there is no such thing as “humane animal slaughter.” It is written in the Vedas that, “Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures.” Indian spiritual teachers have promoted vegetarianism as an integral part of the spiritual path for thousands of years, not only because not killing animals is part of ahimsa, or non-violence, as a general precept, but also because participating in the wholesale slaughter of animals, or killing animals as a form of entertainment or sport creates karma.Since the aim of a yogic spiritual path is Liberation, partaking in theslaughter of animals means promoting our own suffering (by supporting the suffering of others) and binding us to the world. Yet now that yoga has become so popular in the West, we see yoga and meditation retreats where meat is served, which goes completely against the principles of true yoga, as it condones a worldly and desire-based mind frame, as opposed to a liberating path of inner peace and self-awareness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The absurdity of plant pain.

Well i really turn corybantic when people question a Vegan/Veggie being a hypocrite. Well yes I've been questioned a lot regarding plants feeling pain. So here I'll try to explain on my.part with some biochemistry and moral ethics in mind.

First I want to comment on the absurdity of we humans that first started with Rene Descartes who argued animals lacking consciousness to the worst some people still believe in that. So I'll first like to comment on that.

For anyone to feel pain the anatomical process is called nociception or perception of pain - Which cause due to the presence of nociceptors/sensory receptors. These responds to the potentially damaging stimuli by a sending nerve signal to.a spinal peripheral nervous system.
These have been showed to be present on cutaneous i.e. External and internal system of the body. And these receptors have been.documented in non mammalian animals like - fish; invertebates - leeches, and even nematode; sea slugs; fruit flies etc. So the animal not feeling consciousness is ruled out.

Now let me come to plants no one has ever came to show the presence of nociceptors in plants. And moreover plants don't have any limbic system to understand any form of senses. Also they don't show.any episodic memory storage capacity so they do not remember any harm caused to them as it would be a evolutionary waste. In practical terms this isn’t so much a logical point as it is an ad hominem but even were it not a fallacy it’s still based on a rather shaky assumption; namely that plants feel pain. Let me say this right up front. There is no empirical evidence of plants experiencing a sensation even remotely close to what we call pain. Pain has a very specific definition that is often lost in the colloquial use of the word. Simply put, pain is a negative sensation that occurs when an organism has suffered some sort of physical injury. Depending on the nature of the pain the response could be either unconscious, as when you pull your hand off a hot plate without thinking about it, or conscious, as when you stick your hand under freezing ice water for as long as you can on a dare.

Sometimes cited as support is the fact that plants are certainly capable of responding to outside stimuli. Sunflowers are able to move their flowers and track the sun across the sky while tress have been shown to shift nitrogen (important in photosynthesis) to leaves in heavier sunlight. However from an anatomical and physiological point of view the idea that plants feel pain finds little support. Plants lack pain receptors that would allow them to experience negative stimulation in the first place as well as lacking both a brain and a nervous system that would be required to analyze and respond to such sensory information. There does seem to be evidence that plants release hormones after being damaged much in the same way animals will but plant hormones are quite different from those found in animals. Furthermore this would not be evidence of a pain response in plants but rather an automatic reaction to stimuli. More damning for the position though is the total lack a reason for plants to have evolved a pain response. Pain is a useful adaptation for animals because it helps them avoid dangerous situations. A perfect way to illustrate this is to look at humans born without the ability to feel it. The condition is called congenital analgesia of congenital insensitivity to pain. A rare genetic condition the prime symptom of which is the total lack of any ability to experience a pain response. As you may have been able to guess suffers often do not live long and those that do must be carefully watched. Broken bones may go untreated or infections unremarked upon if only because they have no reason to be concerned about them. Without pain there is no reason to pull your hand out of the fire. Pain helps animals survive but the same cannot be said for plants. With no ability to avoid danger if it arises, such as retracting a branch being munched on by an herbivore or uprooting to a new spot during a fire, the development of a pain response system would be an evolutionary waste. It would add nothing the fitness of the organism (the ability to reproduce) and the resources that would be used to grow it could instead be put into growth and reproduction. Plants certainly can respond to threats, many species of algae increase their production of defensive chemicals after suffering damage from herbivory, but such things only indicate a response to outside stimuli not pain. Some objections can be raised to the position I’ve offered. One is that any negative experience qualifies as pain. Since plants are able to respond to stimuli, and therefore must experience it in some way, and some stimuli are certainly negative plants then would be said to experience pain. This however is conflating two separate issues; the question of panpsychism and the question of suffering. As shown above it is quite possible for a human to possess the ability to experience while simultaneously lacking the ability to feel pain. A similar situation is found in those lacking photoreceptors in the eyes (blind) or who have suffered damage to chemoreceptors in the nose (lack of smell). One could hardly say that a blind person is able to experience sight or a deaf person able to experience sound even though they are certainly able to experience other stimuli for which they have the proper tools. In a similar vein a computer is clearly able to respond to stimuli such as the introduction of a virus into its software but very few would say that such an event causes the computer any sort pain. As it currently stands it makes little sense to extend our moral sphere to encompass plants but that does not mean we may ignore the role they have to play. As primary producers all life on earth ultimately derives from the ability of plants to provide energy for the rest of us. The continued happiness and prosperity of both us and the rest of the animal kingdom requires the continued health of.the ecosystems we share.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soren Kierkegaard's extract from his journal.

The Danish philosopher Soren kierkegaard wrote this in his journal regarding his motif for breaking his relationship with his only true love - Regine Oslen, even she was committed completely to him, but the ideal of a philosopher inside his made him judge everything thus departing him from his true life...

The writing in the Journal as follows-

. .. and this terrible restlessness —as if
wanting to convince myself every
moment that it would still be possible
to return to her —O God, would that I
dared to do it. It is so hard; my last
hope in life I had placed in her, and I
must deprive myself of it . How
strange, I had never really thought of
getting married, but I never believed
that it would turn out this way and
leave so deep a wound . I have always
ridiculed those who talked about the
power of women, and I still do, but a
young, beautiful , soulful girl who
loves with all her mind and all her
heart , who is completely devoted ,
who pleads—how often I have been
close to setting her love on fire , not to
a sinful love, but I need merely have
said to her that I loved her , and
everything would have been set in
motion to end my young life. But then
it occurred to me that this would not
be good for her , that I might bring a
storm upon her head , since she
would feel responsible for my death. I
prefer what I did do ; my relationship
to her was always kept so ambiguous
that I had it in my power to give it any
interpretation I wanted to. I gave it the
interpretation that I was a deceiver .
Humanly speaking , that is the only
way to save her , to give her soul
resilience. My sin is that I did not have
faith, faith that for God all things are
possible, but where is the borderline
between that and tempting God; but
my sin has never been that I did not
love her . If she had not been so
devoted to me , so trusting, had not
stopped living for herself in order to
live for me —well, then the whole
thing would have been a trifle; it does
not bother me to make a fool of the
whole world , but to deceive a young
girl .—O , if I dared return to her , and
even if she did not believe that I was
false, she certainly believed that once I
was free I would never come back. Be
still , my soul , I will act firmly and
decisively according to what I think is
right. I will also watch what I write in
my letters. I know my moods . But in a
letter I cannot, as when I am
speaking , instantly dispel an
impression when I detect that it is too
strong. "[ 39]........

We all can derive at our own conclusions after reading this but the true reason will be still afar from our approach to understand the melancholy of such a great person......

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So the brain in love works better.

I love what Einstein said about this :
" How on earth are you ever going to
explain in terms of chemistry and
physics so important a biological
phenomenon as first love?"
Well , there are a number of studies in
which subjects in love were asked to
lie inside a fMRI machine and gaze at
a picture of their beloved. In brief ,
here 's what researchers found from
the brain scans: the ventral tegmental
area ( VTA) is activated ; this produces
the "feel -good " hormone dopamine,
which targets the reward areas of the
caudate nucleus and nucleus
accumbens . It 's a high , and it' s
addictive . Bonding is aided and
abetted by such hormones as
oxytocin and vasopressin. The
obsessive fixation many of us get
when we first fall in love -- can 't stop
thinking about him or her -- is due to
low serotonin levels .
Meanwhile , the prefrontal cortex, the
part of the brain responsible for
reasoning , and the amygdala, related
to fear, are deactivated -- which
explains why a lot of us become
reckless fools in love. If a woman in
love remembers more details than
men do , it 's because there 's more
activity in the female hippocampus,
the region associated with memory .
And it seems true that when it comes
to love men are more visual than
women are -- guys show more activity
in their visual cortex.
When two people fall in love , they
form a neural pattern of associations
and rewards that are strengthened
over time and with use . Researchers
call this a "love -related " network, and
there ' s some evidence that people in
close relationships , when reminded of
their love, perform better on mental
tasks .


Really i can say that these days im so much obsessed with psychology. And what makes me is the nature of the topic itself. First of all its quite easy to understand if you can study behavior pattern of a population and try to contemplate it.

However in order to completely speak about the topic one has to either study the subject well or be an Psycologist itself which is also accomplished by studying the same.

Im not an professional in regard to psychology but i can only say im being fascinated by the advent of the topic. It started with my own problem when i was depressed, my depression lead to me understanding the cause behind it.

Im an biology student hence can understand how dopamine levels in the brain can affect the brain and its activity. And now continue to explore this field by studying various behavior pattern and helping individuals who wish to seek help.
I Will all more later......
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If we could travel faster than light.

Today i came across an interesting question which states what if we could travel faster than light. Nah it's one not an trick question, requiring smart answers but an plain question still require smartNess to answer...

Well i pondered for a while and thought it's not as easy to answer but my immediate response was that if i was given the opportunity I'd surely opted to travel. First lets speak what could refrain me not choosing and that would be first the emotional intimacy with the world and my loved ones, and I'd be missing all my pleasures. But, can i miss the chance to discover what the mankind has ever strife to imagine....the very limited power of our brain has veiled the secrets of the universe,and i could unleash it.

So i will surely choose to travel in the pit of universe all alone with just my curiosity to peep beyond our galaxy...provided if i could live longer without need continuous supply for any organic material to fuel my body..i could travel beyond millions of galaxies...

What if, i could not stop then id be just traveling for gazillions of years all alone and that could really burst my mind and i may lose of sanity of understanding things i guess just being able to travel with speed of light is not gonna help but we need to have a halt in between and id never heard light ever taking a halt.

So can i say that it's an obstruction, yes it's but if physics could be defied then I surely travel...And i could even also use my speed to time revolving around an object of higher gravitational field...
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

All you want to know about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia! most of us might have came across this term or individuals suffering from schizophrenia which is a mental disorder that causes disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness. It is also accompanied by social or occupational dysfunction.

The global lifetime prevalence is about 0.3-0.7%; with an epidemiology of 24 million people suffering worldwide with 2 million in U.S. alone. It occurs 1.4 times more frequently in males than females.

The factors contributing to the occurrence are genetics, environmental, neurobiological, psycological and social processes. However no single organic cause is founded for neurobiology. The diagnosis is done on patients behavior and reported experience.

Antipsychotic drugs are used for the treatment which are known to cause decrease in the dopamine activity in the brain. However some drugs can worsen the effects in the individuals suffering.

The average life expectancy is 12-15 years less than the normal individuals and the suicide rate is higher in persons suffering from schizophrenia with about 5% and that too higher in males. The additional conditions which can help in diagnosis are- major depression, anxiety disorder, occurrence of substance abuse and social problem or withdrawl.
Additional resources to be added soon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I wish if my school does the same

As students returned to class this week carrying brand new ipads given by their school as an experiment to analyse the effects on better grades. The school of Long Island is experimenting by distributing 20 ipads to students and 20 to teachers. However the each pad costs $750.

According to me technology can serve as the best medium to introduce a growth in any field be it education. These days there are millions of applications and out of them most are educational or serve the same in many ways.

I wish if I've had my android or ipad during my school or college days I've really scored well in maths and physics. Lot of applications makes teaching fun and even can make sharing information better. The rules of calculus that i know today I've not know during my school days, and even the textbook was not the best thing to learn from. But now the animations and maths applications do it better.

I wish that someday my teacher will enter my class and just pass the text via LAN connection to all the students, we'll write tests on our ipads and results be evaluated on the spot. Many experts believe though it may look very promising but still there's a need to research on their use as a part of school.

But i believe that the day is not too far away when we will go to our school or college without carrying our bag but with just a small ipad carrier.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Obsessive and compulsive disorder.

Though most of us may not be familiar with the word- Obsessive and compulsive disorder but it is the most common of the mental illness to be observed in the society. Even the people who are affected by it does not know about their disorder.

Ocd is an anxiety disorder which is marked by intrusive thoughts in the mind. The thoughts can even shape into actions. The most commonly seen Ocd is repeatedly handwashing or counting objects.

The major effects are that the person can be alienated, and can even lead to emotional and financial distress. However it can also cause outbreak of distress among others who accompany that person or disputes in the family.

In this growing age its the 4th most common mental disorder with 1 in every 50 among the USA population affected by it. Though there are no direct cure is available to the disorder but it can be controlled by following medication's and undergoing psychiatrist sessions.

Maybe even most of you have faced someone with the disorder or might be affected by it. I'll suggest the most important way to treat the disorder Is by the persons own will. I agree most of us are obsessed with many things these days but the thing count is how you take on to it.

What is important is your view to the problem. So relax on your couch and visualize about your actions and how it affects others. If anybody of you have faced any such things or have some views on the subject you can share you experience and we can even share your story on our blog.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Excessive internet usage.

Excessive Internet use may be
linked to depression

Excessive Internet use may be linked
to depression. Spend a day offline
and connect with friends and family.
But they' re all online !

Your Internet use could be telling you
something about your mental health .
If you keep up with friends via
Facebook or spend more time
chatting online with strangers than
with family , it might be time to
disconnect the computer for awhile —
and check in with yourself .

The researchers analyzed internet use
and depression levels of 1 ,319 Britons
aged between 16 and 51. An online
questionnaire was used to measure
participants' Internet use , the
functions for which they used the
Internet, and their depressive
tendencies . Of these , 1 .2 percent were
"internet addicted. "
"Excessive internet use is associated
with depression, but what we don' t
know is which comes first -- are
depressed people drawn to the
internet or does the internet cause

Using the Web to replace your usual
social circle could be a red flag .
Instead of spending hours on
message boards , pick up the phone
and call someone.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How do i got started.

Hi most of you may be wondering that about the need for a blog. But i was inspired by a doctor who's said it's the best thing to have since it makes your mind occupied. And I'll be sharing all new updates on my own and based on my research since we don't believe in copy pasting the precreated contents. Hope I'll be receiving a positive response from you'll and yes please do inform us regarding what you feel we should be working on.
Hope this 2011 will ensue as an successful year for all of us.......
With great regards. Prabjot Singh.

hii welcome to our blog.

Hello folks most of you will like our step. Feel free to tell what you feel about our new blog.